Travel Insurance Is Cheaper Than Your Travel Budget

Paying for travel insurance is only a small fraction of the price you have saved up for the entire travel trip. It can save you a lot of unforeseen cost if you meet any nasty occurrence. If you don’t want to end up being completely broke after an unplanned accident overseas, you got to buy travel insurance.

Travel Medical Coverage

I am not trying to sell travel insurance here. What happened was, during one of my trip, I fell sick. My travel plan was destroyed. On top of that, I lost money paying for medical expenses which were not planned for. My friend told me, that should I have purchased a travel insurance, I would have been covered for those medical expenses I paid.

This is a small amount comparing to if I got into a more serious event like car accident or something worse. I could have paid more out of my own pocket instead of being covered for those expenses. Just like the weather, you cannot predict what is going to happen the next day, it is best to be covered than sorry.

Travel Insurance Coverage

Common Travel Coverage

Some of the common coverage includes:

Medical Emergencies & Evacuation

This is for the event that a person gets into a serious illness during the trip and need medical attention and evacuation back to home country. The coverage will take care of the expenses incurred in getting medical help and transportation back the home country. When you are ill, the last you need to worry is money.

Cancellation of Trip

When all your travel tickets and hotel are booked and suddenly there is some unforeseen legit reason for you to cancel the trip, this will be something that the travel insurance will cover. Such incidence can be a sudden death of a close relative, illness or accident prior to the trip.

Lost of Baggage and Personal Belongings

These are perhaps the most common when you are travelling. You can probably relate to it if you have been travelling frequently. Losing the belonging mean that you have to buy all the necessary items again while you are travelling. These costs can be reimbursed when you make a claim.

Personal Liability Insurance

When driving overseas, there can be time when you are not very familiar with the road system and you get into an accident. This time, you can claim for personal liability coverage for third party claim. You can also protect yourself for any injury caused to yourself.

Duration of Travel Insurance Coverage

Some Insurance cover for long trip and some for a shorter duration. Its good to know the term of the coverage and if any locations are excluded. This is more for those who are travelling more frequently from country to country before returning home.

Final advise is, do not leave home without any insurance coverage. Whether it is for personal accident, travel insurance, medical insurance whatsoever. You never know when you need it the most. We don’t want our hard earned money to be lost overnight due to one unforeseen occurrence.

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    […] travel insurance is as necessary to your business operations as avoiding flight delays or traffic jams. Whether […]


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